PERCUSION Weather briefing


August 10, 2024

Current synoptic situation

NHC surface analysis

NHC tropical weather outlook

NHC tropical Hovmöller

Latest satellite images

GOES WEST Latest Infrared Image

GOES WEST Latest Visible Image

ECMWF Integrated Water Vapor Forecast

Integrated Water Vapor Forecast

Integrated Water Vapor Forecast

Integrated Water Vapor Forecast

Integrated Water Vapor Forecast

Integrated Water Vapor Forecast

Integrated Water Vapor Forecast

ECMWF Outgoing Longwave Radiation

Outgoing Longwave Radiation Forecast

Outgoing Longwave Radiation Forecast

Outgoing Longwave Radiation Forecast

Outgoing Longwave Radiation Forecast

Outgoing Longwave Radiation Forecast

Outgoing Longwave Radiation Forecast

ECMWF Precipitation forecast

Precipitation Forecast

Precipitation Forecast

Precipitation Forecast

Precipitation Forecast

Precipitation Forecast

Precipitation Forecast

ECMWF 10m Surface Wind Speed

10m surface wind speed forecast

10m surface wind speed forecast

10m surface wind speed forecast

10m surface wind speed forecast

10m surface wind speed forecast

10m surface wind speed forecast

ECMWF Cloud top height

Cloud top height forecast

Cloud top height forecast

Cloud top height forecast

Cloud top height forecast

Cloud top height forecast

Cloud top height forecast


Saharan dust forecast

Saharan dust forecast

Saharan dust forecast

Saharan dust forecast

Saharan dust forecast

Saharan dust forecast

Local forecast for Sal


Summary of the weather briefing.