PERCUSION Weather briefing


Current synoptic situation

NHC surface analysis

NHC tropical weather outlook

NHC tropical Hovmöller

Latest satellite images

GOES yesterday’s image

GOES latest image

GOES WEST Latest Infrared Image

ECMWF Forecasts

2024-08-16 12:00 UTC

2024-08-17 12:00 UTC

2024-08-18 12:00 UTC

2024-08-19 12:00 UTC

2024-08-20 12:00 UTC

Saharan dust forecast

2024-08-16 12:00 UTC

2024-08-17 12:00 UTC

2024-08-18 12:00 UTC

2024-08-19 12:00 UTC

Local forecast for Sal


  • Today’s flight:
    • Based on the updated fight plan: Circles are placed on the moist margins also according to latest forecast
    • Deep convection and cloud top height up to 11 km
  • Sunday’s flight:
    • Northern moist margin is still uncertain and makes flight planning difficult
    • Possibility to sample doldrums
    • Pronounced deep convection expected with cloud top heights up to 12.5 km